You know the age old question, "If you were on a desert island and could only have one item of makeup, what would it be?" Wait, you don't play that game? Well my answer is mascara (sunscreen and lip balm totally count as necessities, which is a different category in this game). I know, I know, why would I need mascara when I'm on a desert island? Whatever. The point is, I don't like makeup, but I
like love mascara. I recently discovered a new favorite, and I think you should know about it. It's called
They're Real! by Benefit. Sure, I spent more on it ($22) than I would on a pair of pants (uh, yeah, I'm cheap); but it is so worth it. It lengthens, it curls, it separates. Try it, you'll like it.
So, do you want to see how it works?
Get ready for an extreme close up.
Ha, ha, ha. I'm hilarious. Seriously now, I'll have you know that it is really hard to take pictures of your own eyes. Here you go:
On the L- black liner, On the R- liner + mascara
Now with mascara on both eyes.
Pretty amazing, huh?
Thanks for the hot tip. I will be purchasing some post haste.