Thursday, December 16, 2010

A message from Santa, an electric eel and holiday shortbread

Have you seen the site Portable North Pole?  You can create a personalized message from Santa for your kids, your colleagues, or the love of your life.  We made one for Hadley, which she was in awe of.  Santa told her to use the potty, and she ran to the bathroom right after watching the video.  Hmm... Santa might need to leave a few more messages for her.  It's a fun site, however I think they ask for a little too much info- I didn't put in my full name or our zip code.

What does an electric eel have to do with Christmas?  Watch this video to see- this aquarium is taking alternative energy to a whole new level.

We had a big potluck at work yesterday.  I ate way too much food- I love potlucks!  I made an ice cream cake with a brownie base layer, peppermint ice cream and a ganache topping.  I didn't love it, but it was easy.  I might play with the recipe a bit and try again sometime.  I also made a shortbread cookie with chocolate and peppermint candies on top.  It wasn't the greatest thing I've ever made, but it was pretty, festive and really simple to make.  It would make a good addition to a holiday cookie party.  You can find the recipe here.

One more picture, just because it makes me laugh: 
Blueberry mouth and macaroni hair.  You should have seen the floor...

Also, Hadley and I made marshmallows today.  I topped them with crushed candy canes and I'll dip them in chocolate when they're dry.  Pictures and recipe to follow...

1 comment:

  1. Andrea - It's Kristi --

    I love reading your blog!! You are SO busy, and take the time to do so much! What an inspiration...I don't know how you do it! It is great to keep up on your happenings, and see pictures of the kiddos. What a neat site, it looks very professional (links, pictures, etc). After the holidays we need to get together for dinner or something! I miss seeing you! Are you heading home for any part of the holidays?!
