Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This and That

Fabric pennants are all the rage these days, and I'm sure they are quite easy to make (or buy).  Considering that I don't sew, Hadley and I made our own version out of paper, glue and dental floss.  Fancy?  No, but Hadley is SO proud of it.  We hung it above the doorway to the kids' bedroom.  It replaced the previous garland of dried leaves decorated with barnyard stickers (remember, this is art for a two year old).

Have you ever wondered what a baby experiences in utero?  Well, wonder no longer because Hadley gave us all the details tonight.  Here it is, from the mouth of a 2 year old:
      "Hadley and Blake shared a room in your tummy and Blakey said "Hadley need a chew-chew (teething) toy!"  We eat boobies and blueberries.  It smells like feet.  It sounds like a train, it really noisy- we have to cover our ears like this.  We played in there, then you go to the hospital and take baby Hadley out and you go to the hospital and take Blakey out too."
There you have it!

Lastly, how cute is this kid?

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