Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

 My little bunnies, circa 2010

Lately, we've been talking about getting rid of the exersaucer, but for some reason, I can't part with it.  I think I finally figured out why.  I need to keep it around to recreate the above picture, year after year.  Wouldn't it be hilarious when the kids are teenagers?  Kind of like these pictures

I have a Pannu Kakku, or Finnish oven pancake, in the oven right now and my house smells wonderful.  After breakfast, we are going to attempt to make shaving cream easter eggs.  Hopefully it warms up, because this looks like an outdoor project (messy!).  Traditionally, we make bunny cakes on Easter, but after the Almond Joy Cake that we made the other day, I just can't stomach the thought of more coconut.  Yes, there is such a thing as too much coconut.  If I feel ambitious this afternoon, I might make cocoa brownies with browned butter instead.  

Happy Easter, everyone!

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