Friday, November 12, 2010


Well, here goes nothing!  I've talked about starting a blog for a few years now.  I've considered a family blog, a food blog, a local (Boise) blog, etc.  Basically I just want to talk (type) to myself.  Lately I've realized that my conversations with my friends and family always turn to the negative- complaining about our small house that will never sell, career frustrations, financial frustrations, child care issues, etc.  When my husband tires of hearing my complaints, he turns on the x-box and I turn to the internet.  I've realized that many of the blogs and sites I frequent are full of negative people, news, and reviews.
   I've decided it's time to start dwelling on the positive.  Sure, I'll still visit those other sites.  I definitely won't stop complaining to my husband.  The hope is that I begin to change my outlook and thought processes because I realize that we are incredibly lucky.  I do feel that I'm a happy person and my life is made up of a lot more good than bad.
  So, here's the deal.  I'll try to post at least once a day.  The post will be about something positive- a happy news story, a cute picture (quite possibly of my kids- they are as cute as they come!), maybe a personal story (again, probably about my amazing kids), a good deal (I like a sale and I love free stuff), a recipe that turned out well, links to other happy sites and posts about some of my favorite things.  Generally, I'll post about things that make me happy.  I hope you find that some of them make you happy too.


  1. Let me be the first to comment on your new:

    1) It's a great idea
    2) The site is very attractive
    3) You and the kids make me happy - just FYI

    Congratulations on putting this live and I'm so very proud of everything you do. You're a beautiful person and a great mother / wife. Looking forward to happy reading!

  2. Shauna JorschumbNovember 16, 2010

    Great sit Andrea. I was just thinking of the complaining I do to my husband and just the past week really reflected how fortunate I am to have the life I do.

    Can't wait to read your recipes. You are always so informative and have such great ideas. You and I are more alike then I have realized. Reading this blog made think I was reading about myself.

    Have a great day. Let's get together really soon. Are you up for some night in December to get you, Kristi, Lynae and I together? Let me knwo what works for you.


  3. Andrea -
    I love the idea of taking time to dwell on the positive, and I love that you will share your positive thoughts with us! It's a great idea and I will try to do the same, without the blog.

    Hope to see you soon!
